Jackie and Kirk's lounge chairs were designed to have a touch of Asian style. With an ergonomic curved seat and back they were also designed to be comfortable.
Eric's Chairs were designed by creating a color pallet and design themes from tropical and Keywest images sent to me by Eric. This is the Angry Chair.
Eric's Chairs were designed by creating a color pallet and design themes from tropical and Keywest images sent to me by Eric. This is the Seascape Chair.
Eric's Chairs were designed by creating a color pallet and design themes from tropical and Keywest images sent to me by Eric. This is the Parrot Chair
Eric's Chairs were designed by creating a color pallet and design themes from tropical and Keywest images sent to me by Eric. This is the Shark Attack Chair.
Perry Chair With Boat Finish – This is the same design as the Perry’s chair with two exceptions. The first is the different wood (Oak) used on the seat and the chair back. The second is the finish. I have sealed this chair using an 11-step, 11-day process that is used to seal boats.
Jackie and Kirk's outdoor dinning chairs with arms were designed to have a touch of Asian style. With an ergonomic curved seat and back they were also designed to be comfortable.
Jackie and Kirk's outdoor dinning chairs were designed to have a touch of Asian style. With an ergonomic curved seat and back they were also designed to be comfortable.
Jackie and Kirk's lounge chairs were designed to have a touch of Asian style. With an ergonomic curved seat and back they were also designed to be comfortable.
Jackie and Kirk's bar table chairs were designed to fit the bar table and have a touch of Asian style. With an ergonomic curved seat and back they were also designed to be comfortable.
This is the revised design of the first conversation bench that I designed. I wanted to improves a few minor details that I realized over time could be better.
Mike's conversation bench was made to mimic the design of the Adirondack chairs Broken Tree had designed in the past. The conversation bench is wood adaptation of a
1920’s kissing chair.
Stephanie’s chairs were made to accommodate her fiancé’s height of 6’2” while still being comfortable for her at 5’5.”
Stephanie’s chairs were made to accommodate her fiancé’s height of 6’2” while still being comfortable for her at 5’5.”